A downloadable game for Windows

As he makes his way home after a long day of playing in the snow, our little protagonist realizes that he's lost most of the clothes he took off when the sun was a little stronger... Can you help him stay warm on his quest to recover them while other kids (and some other foes) pelt him with snow?

Unlock abilities or improve existing stats with each item found!


Unfortunately, since this game was made for a jam and still in development, it is in an unfinished state. Hopefully, this game will receive another update soon enough.

Last update (ver. 1.1): Bigger map! New Attack! New Enemy type! Saving the game! SO many bug fixes!


WASD (or arrows) to move, Mouse to aim and Left Click to fire snowballs

Scarf: keeps you warm enough that you don't slowly freeze to death

Snow Pants: Increases health and movement speed slightly

Sled: Unlocks dash ability (press Space)

Mittens: Unlocks charge ability (hold Left Click to charge up a large snowball. Release to throw. Can break branches!)

Snow jacket: Increases health

Snow boots: Unlocks ability to walk through snow drifts

Snow hat: Unlocks window of invulnerability during the dash

Icicle: Right Click or C to perform a melee attack... Maybe in a future update stabbing kids with icicles will have consequences...?


Hopefully another update will come soon! (Planned for possible future updates: Final boss! In-game item descriptions! Something resembling actual map tiles and decoration? Cutscenes! More, hopefully!)

Thanks for playing, and have fun!


Freeze_Down_Ver1.1_Win64.zip 44 MB
Freeze_Down_JAM_BUILD_Win64.zip 36 MB


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I really like the music and artstyle!